Steve Barrick
Head Strength Coach
University of Indianapolis
Craig Ray
Head Strength Coach
Avon High School
Chris Stevenson
Strength & Speed Coach
Avon High School
9:00-9:10 am – WELCOME
Overview of Day’s Activities / Presentations from Scott Pherson
9:10-10:10 am – LECTURE
Preparing an athlete for the next level by Steve Barrick
OVERVIEW: Coach Barrick uses his understanding of both college and high school strength and conditioning to give insight on best practices to help get your athletes to the next level. Coach Barrick will be able to relate what he is doing in the college profession with what he sees in the high school profession. Together we can help to build the best version of our kids to get them ready for the next level and compete!
10:10-11:10 am – DUAL: LECTURE-HANDS-ON
The Way We Move by Craig Ray and Chris Stevenson
OVERVIEW: Co-Coaches Craig Ray and Chris Stevenson will be covering a lot what they do in the classroom with the equipment and the technology they have access to. They plan to dive into what their program looks like weekly and also daily using EliteFORM, SHREDMILL, SmartSpeed, and other products! This will be both solid mix of lecture and hands on. Those that attend will get to see many products live and in person. This looks is a can’t miss presentation from our host coaches!
11:10-12:00 pm – ROUNDTABLE
12:00-12:10 am – CLOSING REMARKS
Scott Pherson
Who's Attending
5 people are attending 2024 NHSSCA Indiana Family Day
2024 NHSSCA Indiana Family Day
Family Days are free 3-hour mini-clinics that include a lecture portion, hands-on session, and end with a coach's roundtable. These are a great opportunity to connect with other coaches, teachers, admins, and other members, and they also allow non-members to experience why #Family is more than just a hashtag.