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Special Thank you to our Partners


Tory Tyler

Strength Coach/Head Girls Track Coach, Desert Vista High School

Jordan Elias

Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Desert Edge High School

Jen Meza

HS Strength Coach & Personal Trainer, Lock and Key Athlete



9:00-9:05 am – WELCOME
Overview of the Day’s Activities / Presentations by Ben Brandau Brandau

9:05-9:55 am – DUAL: LECTURE+HANDS-ON
The Nuts and Bolts (Running Mechanics/Speed Development) by Tory Tyler

10:00-10:50 am – DUAL: LECTURE+HANDS-ON
Lessons Learned As A Young Strength Coach by Cade Ackley

OVERVIEW: Understanding decision-making practices involved with being a high school strength coach. Reflecting on opportunities for growth and improvement to help new and veteran coaches.

11:00-11:50 pm – HANDS-ON

It’s Everything Else by Jen Meza

OVERVIEW: Building relationships and culture while developing leadership skills in the weight room.

11:50 am -12:00 pm – CLOSING REMARKS
Ben Brandau Brandau