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Tom Ward

Retired/Not Tired, Volunteer S&C Assistant Edmond Memorial

Nick Whitmer

Director of Strength and Conditioning, Jenks High School

Chaz Bracci

Coordinator of Sports Performance and Nutrition, Piedmont High School



8:45-9:00 am – WELCOME
Overview of Day’s Activities / Presentations
Maddie Haralson, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Owasso High School

9:00-9:50 am – HANDS-ON
Teaching Progressions for Olympic Lifts: Snatch, Clean & Jerk, presented by Tom Ward
OVERVIEW: This will be a hands-on presentation, be prepared to lift.

  • Participants will learn progressions for introducing the Olympic Lifts to their athletes, either as a whole or in part.
  • Participants will learn how these lifts relate to Rate of Force Production and how they develop RFP in any ground-based sport.
  • Participants who coach contact or collision sports will see how these movements allow their athletes to be better prepared to receive a blow during competition.

10:00-10:50 am – LECTURE
Annual Plan With A Conjugate Model presented by Nick Whitmer.
OVERVIEW: Discover an annual program for all sports. Breaking down the different Bio Motors, concepts, methods, and how and why you want to rotate different exercises throughout the annual cycle. 

11:00-11:50 am – HANDS-ON
Neck Training Protocols presented by Chaz Bracci
OVERVIEW: This hybrid presentation will be a 15-20 minute PowerPoint presentation and a 20-25 minute hands-on exercise demonstration component. The PowerPoint presentation will include a brief overview of the musculature associated with the neck region, the rising occurrence and prevalence of head injuries amongst youth athletes, the importance of implementing a neck strengthening/ reinforcement protocol for contact athletes, and a brief overview of current research.

The hands-on portion will include examples and demonstrations using isometrics exercises, neck flexion, and extension, lateral flexion, scapular elevation & depression, cervical retraction & protraction, as well as cervical rotation. For each exercise, I will go through a progression and regression of the movement and modifications dependent on equipment availability. Lastly, the presentation will end with a brief Q&A.

12:00-12:45 pm – ROUNDTABLE

12:50-1:00 am – CLOSING REMARKS
Maddie Haralson, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Owasso High School