The NHSSCA was established because:
In the summer of 2016, several high school coaches met to discuss the unique needs of our profession. The current state of high school strength coaches had left us disconnected, devalued and underserved. Although there are a few organizations and associations serving the field of strength and conditioning, none were dedicated solely to the high school strength coach. It was decided that there was a better path. The National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA) was created to allow us to grow as true professionals and the movement began.
This is a movement away from the current status quo. As was stated above, there are many organizations and associations that have been created to serve the strength and conditioning profession. Some organizations and associations include areas of interest and specialty, but none have been dedicated to the specific needs of the high school strength coach. With increased interest in long-term athletic development (LTAD) and youth strength and conditioning, many have utilized the European and Canadian models as foundations to program development for the high school student. We believe that the United States has a different system of education, training, variety sports to select from, and other variables that make other models more theoretical than applicable. We desire to step away from the status quo and look for true application of science in our real-world settings. We believe that we, as American high school strength coaches, are best able to determine what is best practice. After all, this is what we are blessed to do every day. This is OUR PASSION.
This is a movement to regain our profession. The NHSSCA is an Association created FOR professionals BY professionals. Our leadership will consist of professional members. When an Association is driven by the membership, policies and procedures take a back seat to the people and the profession.
This is a movement to unify High School Strength Coaches. There are over 35,000 high schools (public and private) in the United States serving approximately 17.5 million students. There are thousands of coaches working hard every day at high schools across the country to provide the best developmental experience to their students. Rather than continue to be a collection of individuals or disconnected state coaching associations, the NHSSCA strives to be a point of connection. The value of any association is not in a certification, clinic or conference. The value rests in the ability to create connections and build relationships.
This is a movement to recognize the unique role of the high school strength and conditioning coach. We believe there is a need for a full-time strength and conditioning professional in every high school. Coaches continue to be tasked with not only developing the technical and tactical abilities of their teams but also the physical and athletic development of the student athlete. The NHSSCA will provide the bridge between athletics and athletic development for every coach. We will provide career development by becoming a national site for the posting of job openings, resume building, high school specific coaching resources, and a tiered certification that will meet the need and ability of the high school strength coach where they are at professionally.
This is a movement to promote the value of a qualified high school strength and conditioning professional. We will improve the recognition, respect, compensation, and employment security of the high school strength and conditioning coach through making athletic administrators, academic administrators, school officials and national educational organizations aware of the inherent value of the high school strength and conditioning coach.
This is a movement to grow as professionals. The NHSSCA will provide opportunities for professional development for all high school strength & conditioning coaches via state clinics, regional and national conferences, newsletters, and technology-based educational resources. We will commit to connecting our professionals through innovative methods of sharing the experience of our profession. We will be recognized as the leaders in high school strength and conditioning and will remain current on the latest research and its direct application in our field, provide consistent and effective communication, and promote a positive relationship with the media and other professional organizations.
This is a movement to establish high school strength and conditioning as viable profession. We will provide opportunities for collegiate students to complete practicums/internships/residencies/graduate assistantships under qualified and recognized high school strength & conditioning coaches in the membership.
Our Mission
It is our mission to Educate, Equip, and Empower coaches to make a positive impact in the lives of student athletes.
Our Vision
Our vision is for every high school student athlete to comprehensively develop their character, their mind, and their body through coaching excellence. We believe we can do this by developing coaches that are trustworthy, knowledgeable, effective, passionate, and transformational.
Our Motto
Educate, Equip, and Empower