As part of the HSSCC beta-release phase, we want to emphasize that you might experience technical issues while taking the certification.

Potential issues can involve:

  • Videos
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Charts
  • Graphs

Your patience is highly appreciated. Looking ahead, our full-feature release set for early 2024 promises to elevate the learning journey by including enhanced videos and detailed images. This aims to provide a more comprehensive and enriching experience.

The primary objective of this beta release is to grant early access to enthusiastic individuals like yourself who are eager to become experts in the field. By participating in this phase, you have the opportunity to benefit from a special pricing level. We greatly value your involvement and the feedback you provide, as it plays a crucial role in helping us identify and rectify any issues before the full-featured release.

We encourage you to thoroughly review the content and utilize the comments sections of each chapter to submit your feedback. Your insights and suggestions will greatly contribute to the refinement and improvement of the program as we strive to deliver a comprehensive and reliable certification program.

Course Content

Unit 1: Foundations of High School Strength & Conditioning

Unit 2: Athletic Development
Unit 3: Performance Prep, Recovery and Regeneration
UNIT 4: Strength Development
1 of 3

About Instructor

+1291 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 49 Lessons
  • 64 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate


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