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Comprehensive Nutrition Strategies, Not Just Products


Critical Reload, developed by a strength coach for strength coaches, is a nutrition solutions company created to safely assist educators, coaches, athletes, and parents with any nutritional gaps. It offers a range of nutritional products along with fundraising, remote education, certification, online learning, and telehealth communications.

With an impressive array of credentials, Michael Bewley isn’t just any professional in strength training – he’s a trailblazer. As the driving force behind Critical Reload, he’s pioneered nutrition solutions to bridge essential nutritional gaps for educators, coaches, athletes, and parents. In addition to his 20+ year tenure as a Division-I Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, Bewley also served as a specialist in sports nutrition during his stops at Clemson University, Georgia Tech, University of Dayton, Georgia Southern University, and the University of Nevada.

Under Mike Bewley’s leadership, Critical Reload has grown and evolved, customizing its approach to meet the unique needs of both strength coaches and athletes. His dedication to filling nutritional gaps and enhancing performance has made Critical Reload a trusted partner in sports nutrition.

Can you provide an overview of Critical Reload’s mission and how it aligns with the goals of high school strength coaches?

At Critical Reload, we do more than supply nutrition products; we forge lasting partnerships that empower athletes to achieve remarkable growth—both in lean muscle and in the financial health of your athletic programs. Unlike other nutrition companies, we prioritize results and relationships, ensuring our partnerships are genuinely beneficial.

We offer comprehensive nutrition strategies, not just products. Our clients rely on us to help their athletes gain muscle, build strength, and enhance recovery. We tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, helping you develop stronger, more resilient athletes.

We understand the challenges that strength and conditioning coaches face. Many schools struggle with budgets that don’t allow for expensive nutrition products, often resorting to less effective alternatives. That’s why we’re here to offer a solution that supports the health of high school athletes and the financial needs of their programs.

Critical Reload shares the NHSSCA’s dedication to Educating, Equipping, and Empowering coaches to create meaningful, lasting impacts on student-athletes’ lives. We achieve this by providing resources and support that help coaches become more effective, trustworthy, passionate, and transformative.

We’re not just a company selling products. We believe in the power of knowledgeable and committed coaches to inspire and elevate their athletes. By partnering with Critical Reload, you gain access to practical, affordable nutrition solutions that reinforce your coaching efforts and contribute to the holistic development of your students. Together, we strive to build a foundation where student-athletes can excel in all aspects of their lives, from the playing field to personal growth.

If you seek a nutritional partner who genuinely cares about your success and provides practical, affordable nutrition solutions, Critical Reload is the right choice. 

How did Critical Reload come to specialize in sports nutrition for athletes, and what sets your products apart in the competitive market?

We started Critical Reload indirectly because the NCAA legislation in 2022 mandated what was permissible and not permissible for colleges to purchase nutritional products for athletic programs. Although we referred nutritional products for athletes to purchase at popular nutrition store chains, the purchase of a tainted product by one of our athletes that resulted in a false positive spurred our drive to develop Critical Reload. With the support of like-minded Power Five schools and strength coaches who wished to have better nutrition product solutions for their athletes, we had the chance to collaborate with food scientists, based on the latest research in sports nutrition, to develop Critical Reload.

Since Critical Reload was launched in 2004, we’ve supported a wide range of athletic programs, from professional leagues like the NFL, NHL, and NBA to major colleges. However, in 2012, we shifted our focus to high school athletics—an underserved group where impactful nutrition education can profoundly affect young athletes. At Critical Reload, we aim to provide sustainable nutrition solutions that enhance performance and educational outcomes, supporting coaches and athletes in developing practical, budget-friendly nutrition programs.

Your platform offers nutrition products and educational resources. Could you highlight a few key offerings that are most beneficial for high school athletes?


  • Critical Reload Post Workout Recovery Drink – Mode 1A: A delicious, nutrient-packed drink designed to supercharge muscle recovery and energy levels post-workout. This is a nutritional product and NOT a dietary supplement. 
  • Critical Reload Dispenser – Mode 1B: Equipped with a patented cooling system, the Critical Reload Dispenser transforms the blend into a delicious, ice-cold performance and recovery shake. Refuel an entire team in seconds.
  • Critical Reload Fundraiser – Mode 1C: A unique fundraising program that combines top-tier nutrition with financial benefits for school athletic programs by focusing on engaging parent donations to boost their children’s health and sporting ambitions. 


Critical Reload Nutrition Calculator: A practical tool for just $1.99 per use, offering customized meal plans and simplified dietary planning.

Collaboration and education seem to be central to your approach. How do you envision working with NHSSCA to enhance the knowledge and effectiveness of high school strength coaches?

We offer 20% savings on all our nutrition products for NHSSCA Professional Members. Additionally, our Critical Reload Edge: Specialist In Sports Nutrition Certification, normally priced at $299, is available to NHSSCA Members for just $199, offering a substantial savings of $100.

For schools looking to certify a group of five or more coaches, we offer an even greater discount, reducing the per-person cost to only $149. This group certification discount provides an excellent opportunity for the coaching staff and athletic departments to enhance their nutrition expertise at an affordable rate.

Our programs align with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which emphasizes well-rounded education, including sports nutrition. ESSA supports using technology and educational resources to enhance learning, making sports nutrition more accessible and effective in schools. Schools can integrate sports nutrition programs through ESSA funding to boost academic and athletic performance, ensuring every student succeeds. Discover more about how our offerings support ESSA’s goals HERE 

Our athletic program offerings now include strategies for setting and achieving goals that are  S.M.A.R.T. — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework enhances sports nutrition education and athletic performance, providing coaches and athletes with clear, focused objectives. Our resources help guide the application of S.M.A.R.T. goals to foster significant improvements in educational outcomes and athletic success. Learn how to integrate these effective strategies into your program for optimal results. For more on how S.M.A.R.T. goals can boost your athletic program, visit HERE.

The concept of “Small Wins Through Nutrition” is intriguing. Can you elaborate on how this philosophy can be applied within high school athletic programs?

Most coaches opt for advanced nutritional concepts when talking with athletes and do not align those teachings with how they approach training with athletes of varying abilities. I was guilty of it, too, for many years. The “Small Wins Through Nutrition” philosophy emerged from a personal revelation I experienced while coaching at the University of Nevada. During a nutrition presentation to the football team, I realized the stark socioeconomic differences affecting our athletes’ access to healthy food. One athlete mentioned never having been to a grocery store, instead relying on convenience stores for food. This moment underscored the need to approach nutrition education inclusively, considering the diverse backgrounds of our athletes.

Reflecting on this, I adapted my nutrition teaching approach to meet athletes where they stand in terms of nutrition, much like how we tailor training programs to individual abilities in the weight room. I advocate beginning with basic, ”block-zero” dietary advice that’s foundational rather than starting with advanced ‘tri-phasic’ nutritional concepts. This approach ensures athletes feel comfortable and empowered rather than overwhelmed.

This strategy of incremental nutritional improvements—what I call “small wins”—lays a solid groundwork, allowing athletes to build more complex nutritional strategies as they develop. I’ve discussed this approach in detail in a free presentation at Critical Reload, where I introduce concepts like the “7-Eleven All-Star Nutrition Menu” tailored for accessibility. This practical application resonates well beyond the presentation, with many coaches adopting it for their teams. I encourage you to view this presentation to understand how these small wins can significantly enhance nutritional practices in your athletic program. Get access to the presentation HERE.

Critical Reload has a notable history of serving coaches and athletes since 2004. What have been some of the most significant lessons learned or success stories over the years?

Our nutrition systems aim to enhance athlete health, muscle growth, strength, and recovery. However, simply adding dietary supplements to an athlete’s diet doesn’t fully address foundational dietary habits. Athletes need tailored nutrition programs that complement their specific training regimens, just as they need customized strength, speed, and agility programs.

We understand that each school has its own unique challenges. Despite our process being proven effective in thousands of high schools—both private and public nationwide—we acknowledge that every new client introduces variables that could affect outcomes. We maintain strict standards in our operations, and offer substantial support to mitigate issues related to your school’s unique characteristics. This helps ensure that these variables do not hinder your desired results.

Whether it involves product purchasing, fundraising, or nutrition education, our four main components are crafted to deliver predictable and successful outcomes. We provide robust nutrition education, empowering coaches to instill healthy eating habits in their athletes. This is crucial for their growth and performance.

Fundraising is a unique aspect of your model. How does the Critical Reload Fundraiser program work, and what opportunities does it offer high school athletic programs?

The Critical Reload Fundraiser offers a dynamic and beneficial way to support your school’s strength & conditioning program while providing top-quality nutrition to athletes. It utilizes parent donations for nutritional products, effectively raising funds for your school’s athletic budget and promoting healthier eating habits among students.

The program allows schools to purchase Critical Reload products at a special rate, which they can then offer to parents at a set cost. This pricing model is designed to generate a revenue surplus that can be reinvested into the school’s athletic and wellness programs. Schools can adjust the pricing based on their specific fundraising goals.

To ensure inclusiveness, we propose establishing a nutrition scholarship funded with proceeds from Critical Reload sales. This initiative aims to support students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds and ensure that all students have access to quality nutrition.

Conducting a Parent Nutrition Survey is recommended for a successful launch. This survey can help gauge current spending and interest in nutritional products, providing valuable data to support the proposal to school administrators. All necessary resources for presenting the program, including informational brochures and product safety and standards details, are provided to ensure a well-rounded understanding.

Overall, the Critical Reload Fundraiser is a strategic approach to enhance students’ health and the financial resources of school athletic programs.

What future initiatives or developments can we look forward to from Critical Reload that might benefit high school strength and conditioning coaches and their athletes?

As strength coaches, when an athlete asks if they can do their own workout, the answer is usually a firm no because you must ensure that the training is consistent with your team’s principles and goals. Similarly, having a structured and aligned approach to nutrition and recovery is equally important. You wouldn’t want athletes sourcing fragmented nutrition information on their own, potentially following advice that doesn’t align with your training objectives.

This is where our latest initiative—the Critical Reload Edge: Specialist In Performance Nutrition Certification—becomes an essential tool. Designed to elevate the roles of coaches and enhance their impact on athletes’ lives, this comprehensive program offers advanced nutritional insights, practical tools, and evidence-based strategies to optimize athletes’ performance, health, and resilience.

The certification covers a broad spectrum of topics across 12 units, including the basics of sports nutrition, the roles of macronutrients, hydration strategies, meal planning, nutrient timing, and the critical importance of sleep. Coaches will learn how to translate scientific data into actionable advice, enabling athletes to achieve peak performance and better health.

Participants can access over 30 hours of on-demand content, 33 quizzes, 8 case studies, and a yearlong-free Critical Reload Stream subscription valued at $299. This resource enhances daily coaching capabilities with customized, practical meal plans and strategic nutrition advice accessible via our Nutrition Calculator.

The Critical Reload Nutrition Calculator, available for a nominal fee of $1.99, facilitates personalized nutrition planning and is complemented by the Nutrition Calculator poster, which can be displayed in training facilities for easy access. This set-up enhances collaborative efforts between coaches, athletes, and families.

By investing in our nutrition certification, coaches deepen their expertise and align nutrition with their training principles, significantly enhancing their capacity to impact athlete development and well-being. It’s a clear-cut, aligned curriculum that’s easy to implement. It ensures that, just as with physical training, your nutrition strategy is coherent, comprehensive, and conducive to achieving your athletic program’s goals.

How does Critical Reload ensure the safety and efficacy of its products, and what measures are taken to stay ahead in sports nutrition research?

Athletes must be confident in the safety and quality of their nutritional products. Critical Reload ensures this confidence by rigorously testing and certifying our products, ensuring they deliver performance benefits without compromising health and safety. Our commitment to quality is highlighted by the Informed Choice logo on our products, signifying that they have passed stringent tests and are regularly checked to minimize the risk of contamination.

Furthermore, Critical Reload products comply with NCAA guidelines. They are permissible under NCAA Bylaws, making them a reliable choice for collegiate athletics programs seeking to maintain both safety and regulatory compliance.

Additionally, Critical Reload is classified not as a dietary supplement, but as a conventional food by the FDA. This designation is due to its formulation lacking vitamins, minerals, herbs, added amino acids, and other typical dietary supplement ingredients, focusing instead on elements commonly found in the human diet.

The production of Critical Boots takes place in a food manufacturing facility that adheres to the FDA’s stringent Good Manufacturing Practices. This ensures every batch of our product meets the highest safety and quality standards, maintaining our commitment to providing safe and effective nutritional support for athletes.

Lastly, what are the first steps for high school strength coaches interested in integrating Critical Reload products and services into their programs, and how does your team support new partnerships?

Starting the process is straightforward and efficient. The first step is to schedule a consultation with our team, which can be easily done using my online calendar app. This tool lets you view my real-time availability and book a Zoom meeting or phone call directly, eliminating the typical back-and-forth of scheduling and ensuring we can connect at a time that works best for you.

Another proactive approach is to visit our Team Discount Pricing page. Here, you can quickly gather information tailored to your program’s specific needs, such as the number of athletes, the frequency of training, and the duration for which you plan to use Critical Reload. Once you submit your inquiry through this page, it signals your interest, and our team will follow up promptly with detailed pricing and customized support options.

Our team is dedicated to supporting new partnerships every step of the way. Once we establish contact, we provide comprehensive guidance on effectively integrating our nutrition products and services into your existing training regimens. We also offer ongoing support to ensure that your program benefits from our products most effectively, enhancing both athlete performance and overall program success.

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