The 6th Annual Griffin Workout Challenge: March 18th


March is HERE!!!

As you are aware, the NHSSCA created the Griffin Scott Pherson Educational Learning Scholarship in 2018. This annual scholarship was created to honor the life and strength of Griffin Scott Pherson. It will be granted at the NHSSCA National Conference and awarded to a high school strength coach who best exemplifies what it means to be trustworthy, knowledgeable, effective, passionate, and transformational.

But #FAMILY always does more. This year we challenged coaches to participate in the 6th Annual Griffin Scott workout to remember and honor the day!

There are three ways you can be involved:

  1. Join Coach Scott Pherson on March 18th by performing a workout at his school or yours on that day!!! Be sure to film it and post it on our Facebook page and tag #GriffinChallenge
  2. Perform a workout of your choice on March 18th to honor Griffin Scott Post on our page and tag @nhssca #GriffinChallenge
  3. Perform the NHSSCA workout: ‘The Griffin,’ any time during March! Again post on our page and tag @nhssca #GriffinChallenge

We can’t wait to celebrate as a #FAMILY the life and strength of Griffin Scott Pherson.

Coach Scott Pherson

A letter from Coach Pherson to the NHSSCA #FAMILY

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A Letter from Coach Pherson To The #FAMILY

I brought my students in a little closer this Monday instead of shouting instructions during our Dynamic Warm-Up Monday March 13, 2023. I explained to them that we along with countless High Schools across the country would be participating in the Griffin Challenge. This being my 2nd year at Concord and 6th year of the Annual Griffin Scott Workout I wanted to take just a couple minutes to explain. I invited all of them, their families, and anyone that would like to join us this Saturday March 18th to participate in the 6th Annual Griffin Scott Workout. The doors will be open and the weights will be flying as we put a show on for Griffin. Griffin would have turned 6 years old Sunday March 19th.

125 Minutes. Griffin was only a part of this physical world for 125 minutes, but his impact will last forever. Moments in time make up our lives. We can look at periods of time, years, etc. to measure them. Here is something I believe to be true and shared with my kids when I brought them in. Those 125 minutes made an impact that changed absolutely everything. It’s not the time we should measure, but the impact we make. I want so badly for my son to be proud of me and to keep the promises I made to him that people would know he was here, they would know his name, and that he would make an impact in this world. He makes that impact through his scholarship thanks to the NHSSCA. He makes that impact when his story is shared no matter how dang hard it is, but sharing his story keeps his name out there and maybe just maybe it inspires someone to continue to fight. You never know the impact you can have on someone. My kids have greatly impacted the way in which I coach. The love that I can’t help, but feel towards those I coach. I explained that the relationship you have with your training partner or even just a simple chance encounter with someone by helping them could possibly change the entire trajectory of their lives. 

Some classes I gave more details of that night. Others I clearly explained why we have certain sayings on our walls. Each class got similar, but different details to the story. It will never be an easy story to tell, but I am proud to be his father. I am proud that he and I are members of this FAMILY that is the NHSSCA. I am proud to continue his fight.


Coach Scott Pherson

25 Single Unders (3 ROUNDS: 21 Air Squats / 15 V-Ups / 9 Pull-ups) 25 Single Unders