NHSSCA Certification Launches at NATCON

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This year’s National Conference was another great event! One of the highlights was the launch of the NHSSCA High School Strength Coach Certification (HSSCC). We currently have over 150 coaches working on their HSSCC! This is our beta test. We are using feedback from coaches taking the certification to help improve the program before the Dec. 1st launch.

We want to encourage you to sign up for the certification program! Give us your feedback and improve as a coach. This is our initial certification, and it is aimed to bridge the gap for sport coaches and strength coaches to be able to implement safe and sound programming in their setting. The certification entails:

  • Full lifetime access for certified professional members
  • Over 48 hours of on-demand content
  • 12 Units | 43 Chapters
  • 43 quizzes | 24 Case Studies
  • High-quality, animated exercises (Coming Dec 1, 2023)
  • Access on mobile and desktop
  • Certificate of Completion

Two key feature of the HSSCC is the 24 case studies and the Private HSSCC Group. Each case study presents examples that could happen in the high school strength and conditioning setting: private, small, or large high school setting. Coaches can take knowledge learned and apply to real world situations and receive guided responses. The HSSCC group is EXCLUSIVE for Professional Members enrolled in the HSSCC. This Group is a real-time discussion board where members can collaborate on certification content and support one another.

You can find out more by clicking here.

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