The NHSSCA goes above and beyond to award and honor high school strength coaches for the hard work, dedication, and commitment they provide to their athletes, institutions, and profession. This is a very selective process that takes much time and diligence to ensure its validity of the process. That being said, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of a couple of things about our awards & honors for the coming year.
First, our Coach of the Year nominations timetable is from October 1st – 31st. Submissions after that will not be considered so please get your nominations fully submitted by October 31st.
Second, all other awards & honors have a hard deadline of April 1st. Again, submissions received after this date will not be considered due to the time-sensitive selection of recipients before the National Conference takes place at the end of June. The following opportunities are available for recognition from the NHSSCA.
Nomination Timetables
February 1st – April 1st
- All-American Athlete
- College Student Professional Development Scholarship
- New Coach Professional Development Scholarship
- Griffin Scott Pherson Educational Scholarship
- Program Of Excellence